Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Research Assistant

Organization Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Position Description The Department of Surgery's Gynecology Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is seeking a student to work as a research study assistant for a team whose research involves surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, databases, and quality of life.
Responsibilities include:
Managing clinical trials and research studies
Overseeing and scheduling patient research activities, including protocol appointments, study interventions, and questionnaires Abstracting medical charts used in departmental research protocols Working directly with patients and physicians in the GYN outpatient clinic
Position Requirements
Bachelor's degree
Time Commitment Full-time, with a minimum commitment of two years
Compensation TBD
Apply To apply, please email your resume and cover letter to the Research Project Manager, Jae Ward. Questions about this position may be directed to Katy Su, CC '17.