Part-time, Summer Research Volunteer, Data Collection Assistant, Neurosurgery and Neurocritical Care

Organization: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Position Description:
The Neurocritical Care team at Mount Sinai Hospital is seeking a student to assist with data collection for a project focused on the neurologic complications in acute liver failure. The student will be working closely with a neurocritical care attending, who will be their primary mentor. The student also retains the opportunity to continue the research project into the school year.
Responsibilities Include:
Shadowing patient rounds in the Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit
Monitoring patients' hospital course through chart review.
In person meetings with patients and clinicians
Position Requirements:
Must be comfortable in a clinical environment
Must be detail oriented, reliable and able to work independently
Proficiency in database maintenance is a plus
Time Commitment: Part-time, Summer term with a minimum of 5 hours per week. Full-time also available.
Apply: To apply, email your resume and cover letter to Dr. Alexandra Reynolds
Keywords: Data Collection, neurocritical care, Neurology